Expert and Professional Tree Removal in the Bronx and Manhattan

Bronx & Manhattan Tree Removal + Emergency Tree Services​

Owens Brothers Tree Service offers safe and efficient tree removal in the Bronx and Manhattan. Our arborists have the knowledge and equipment to handle any size tree, protecting your property and ensuring peace of mind.

Here’s how we protect your property:

  • Thorough Assessment: Before any work begins, our experienced arborists carefully assess the tree, its surroundings, and any potential risks. This includes identifying power lines, structures, and other obstacles.
  • Strategic Planning: Based on our assessment, we develop a detailed plan for safe and efficient tree removal, minimizing any impact on your property.
  • Controlled Techniques: We employ specialized techniques like directional felling and rigging to ensure precise control over the tree’s removal.
  • Protective Measures: We may use ground protection mats or plywood to safeguard your lawn, landscaping, or structures from falling branches.
  • Clean-up and Care: After the tree is removed, we thoroughly clean up debris and take steps to minimize any impact on your yard.

Our Commitment: We take pride in our reputation for safe and responsible tree removal. Protecting your property is as important to us as providing exceptional tree care.

At Owens Brothers Tree Service, we are experts with over 60 years experience in removing trees in tight spaces and difficult-to-reach places. Our team can handle even the most complex tree removal projects, and we use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment and to ensure the safety of our workers and the community.

We provide emergency 24/7 tree removal services in the Bronx and Manhattan. This means that if you are in need of immediate tree removal services, you can count on us, day or night.

Reasons To Remove a Tree

Size: Trees that have grown too big or tall can become hazardous in storms or high winds. If a tree has reached its maximum height or spread, it may need to be topped, trimmed or removed to prevent damage to property.

Safety: If they are damaged in a storm, the tree may no longer be viable.

Our tree inspections focus on:

  • Weak Branches: We’ll spot dead, damaged, or poorly attached branches that are likely to break under high winds or heavy rain.
  • Structural Concerns: We’ll look for signs of decay or instability that could make your tree more vulnerable to toppling.

Tree damage can often be avoided if it has been inspected ahead of a severe weather event.

Health: If a tree is suffering from a disease, pest infestation like the spotted lanternfly, or structural damage, it may need to be removed to prevent the spread of the problem to other trees in the area and to improve the health and vitality of other trees in the same place. For instance, the lantern fly has been wreaking havoc on the “tree of heaven” ailanthus because it acts as the host for their nests which develops mold, mildew, and other rot to their trunks.

New Construction: When new buildings or structures are being built, trees may need to be removed to make room for the construction site. In some cases, removing a tree may also be necessary to ensure the construction project is safe and secure.

Dying Trees: A dying tree with weak roots may no longer be structurally sound and may pose a hazard if left standing as it can lose its structural integrity and become more vulnerable to falling over, especially during windy or stormy weather. This can pose a serious risk to people, pets, and property in the vicinity.

Tree Angle and Growth: A leaning tree can be a hazard in several ways. When a tree leans too far to one side, it increases the risk of it falling over during a storm or high winds. This poses a risk to people, utility poles, and nearby property. A leaning tree can also cause damage to nearby structures, such as homes, buildings, and sidewalks.

Our services

Tree Removal Company in Bronx, NYC & Manhattan

We’re known as the best tree removal in the Bronx! It’s not always easy to keep your property looking its best. And when it comes to caring for the trees that you have around your home or business in New York City, you could find yourself working in some tough situations. Whether your tree has been damaged by storms and high winds, is diseased, or is just plain dead, our tree removal services can help you keep your property safe and beautiful.

(718) 885-0914