Mulberry Tree Removal, Pruning, Trimming Service

Love them or hate them, mulberry trees are a familiar sight in the Bronx and Manhattan. These hardy urban survivors provide lush shade and sometimes a sweet treat. But those juicy berries leave nasty stains on just about everything, and their roots have a bad habit of causing trouble! At Owens Brothers Tree Service, we’ve seen firsthand New Yorkers’ complex relationship with these trees.

There’s no denying it: mulberry trees are tough. They thrive in our urban environment, growing fast and providing much-needed shade. Many people even enjoy their sweet-tart berries – if they can get to them before the birds do.

White mulberry credit: Central Park Conservancy

Mulberry Tree Removal

Sometimes, despite their benefits, a mulberry tree becomes too problematic. Its roots might compromise your home, or the mess is unbearable. At Owens Brothers, we specialize in safe and efficient tree removal, even in the tight urban spaces of the Bronx and Manhattan. We make sure even the most stubborn mulberry leaves without a trace.

Alternatives to Tree Removal

If you’re not ready to part with your mulberry, regular pruning and maintenance can help keep it in check. Trimming back branches reduces the amount of fruit produced, and careful root management can sometimes prevent major damage.

Where to Spot Mulberries in the Bronx/Manhattan

Want to see a mulberry tree in person? Here are some likely spots:

  • The Bronx
    • Pelham Bay Park
    • Van Cortlandt Park
    • Bronx Zoo (from a distance!)
    • Fordham University area
    • Bronx River Forest
    • St. Nicholas Park
  • Manhattan
    • Central Park (in less-maintained areas)
    • Morningside Park
    • Columbia University neighborhood
    • New York Botanical Garden (unlikely mulberries here, but a great tree resource overall!)
    • Claremont Park

The Mulberry’s Downside

If you’ve ever parked under a mulberry tree, you know the stains those berries leave are no joke! They cling to sidewalks, cars, and anything else they land on. Plus, a mulberry’s root system is shallow and aggressive, meaning it can easily crack foundations, invade plumbing, and generally make itself a nuisance. Let’s not forget the sheer size these trees can reach, overwhelming smaller yards and attracting flocks of messy birds. And that’s not all…

  • Diseases and Pests: Like any tree, mulberries aren’t immune to problems. They can fall prey to diseases, including:
    • Bacterial blight: Causes leaf spots, dieback, and cankers.
    • Canker: Fungal diseases causing sunken areas on the branches or trunk.
    • Powdery Mildew: A white, powdery coating on leaves.
  • Pests: Scale insects are common pests on mulberries and can weaken the tree.

Wrapping Up Mulberry Tree Care

Mulberry trees truly divide opinion! They offer shade and sometimes fruit, but also a mess and potential damage. Every tree situation is unique, and there’s no single correct answer. If you’re struggling with a mulberry on your property, Owens Brothers Tree Service is here to help. Contact us for a free consultation, and we’ll work with you to find the best solution.

Free Estimate (718) 885-0914