If you’ve ever wondered what a mulberry tree looks like but don’t have a picture handy, you’re in the right place! Mulberry trees (Morus spp.) are fascinating plants for their ornamental beauty and delicious fruits. In this post, we’ll picture these unique trees with words, making it easier to identify them on your next nature walk or gardening adventure.
The Mulberry Tree, A Tree of Many Looks
Mulberry trees come in various sizes, from small shrubs to towering trees that can reach heights of 30-80 feet, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Their crowns are typically rounded or spreading, often more comprehensive than tall, creating a welcoming shade canopy.
The bark of a mulberry tree is usually gray or brown and can be furrowed or scaly, adding to its visual interest. If you run your hand along the trunk, you might notice a rough texture.
Leaves: Nature’s Puzzle Pieces
One of the most distinctive features of a mulberry tree is its leaves. They grow alternately along the branches, meaning they don’t sprout directly opposite each other but instead take turns. The leaf shape is quite diverse, even on the same tree. You might find heart-shaped leaves, ovate leaves, or leaves with deep lobes, all with serrated edges resembling tiny saw blades. The size of the leaves can also vary greatly, ranging from inches to over a foot long, depending on the species.
In the summer, the leaves are a vibrant green, providing a lush backdrop for the tree’s other features. Come fall, they may transform into a beautiful yellow hue before gracefully dropping to the ground. The texture of the leaves is often rough or slightly hairy, adding another layer of complexity to their appearance.
Flowers and Fruit: Hidden Treasures
Mulberry trees produce flowers, which are often small and inconspicuous, blending in with the foliage. The flowers tend to be greenish-white or catkin-like.
The real showstopper is the fruit. Mulberry fruits resemble elongated blackberries or raspberries, growing in clusters. They start green and gradually ripen, turning red and then deepening into a rich purple or black.
Beyond the Basics
A few other features can help you identify a mulberry tree. If you were to break a leaf or twig, you would notice a milky white sap oozing out. This sap is a characteristic trait of mulberry trees.
Additionally, remember that the leaves on a single mulberry tree can be incredibly diverse in shape. Some might have deep lobes, while others might have smooth edges. This variability can make identification a fun challenge.
Putting It All Together
To recap, here are the key features to look for when trying to identify a mulberry tree:
- Rounded or spreading crown
- Gray or brown, furrowed bark
- Alternately arranged leaves with serrated edges
- Heart-shaped, ovate, or lobed leaves
- Leaves that vary in size and shape on the same tree
- Milky sap when a leaf or twig is broken
- Small, inconspicuous flowers
- Elongated, blackberry-like fruits that ripen to a deep purple or black
Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or enjoy observing nature, we hope this guide has helped you visualize the unique beauty of mulberry trees. Remember, the next time you spot a tree with diverse leaves and juicy fruits, it just might be a mulberry!
The Mulberry Tree’s Abundance in NYC
A little trivia for you. Mulberry Street in Manhattan is named after the mulberry trees that were once abundant in the area. These trees were planted in the early 18th century with the hope of establishing a silk industry in the colony. While the silk industry never fully materialized, the name Mulberry Street stuck.
The street has a rich history, particularly associated with Italian-American culture. It is a place of vibrant street life, delicious food, and strong community ties.
While Little Italy has shrunk considerably since its heyday, Mulberry Street remains an important thoroughfare in Lower Manhattan, and its name still evokes images of the neighborhood’s Italian heritage. The street’s unique bend, where it changes direction from southeast to northwest, was designed to avoid the wetlands surrounding the Collect Pond, a large body of water that once existed in the area.